Not an intentional one, but I had a lot on my plate. First there was the issue of dealing with someone I thought was a good friend who completely flipped out on me. Unfortunately, they pulled someone else into the madness who I also used to really admire and respect. The whole thing reeked of high school. He said, she said, they said... blah, blah, blah. Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt and really, I have no desire to revisit that place. I'm too old. Although I really want to speak my mind about this, I've chosen to leave it alone. It's just really not worth the drama of letting it have any more energy in my life.
After that drama was resolved, the most amazing thing happened. An incredible opportunity was presented to me by a new, and very good, friend. Before I talk about that, I have to say this... as an adult, one of the hardest things to do is make new friends. You want to make friends, you try to make friends, but more often than not you end up with a lot of acquaintances - i.e. people you really like, but never really get to know as well as you'd like to. Then there are those people who make themselves available to you, who respect and admire you as much as you respect and admire them. I am fortunate to have met several people like that over the last few years, and I am honored by and grateful for their friendship. However, one in particular has proved to be one of my angels as well. Funny thing, you never know who your angels will be.
My guardian angel is, of course, The Fab Miss Granny and evidently she has enlisted a few folks to help her out.
That said, here's why I've been silent for a while...
I have recently become the new co-owner of my favorite LYS. Yup, my dream became a reality and I am so freaking excited to be in the position to really share my love of the fiber arts.
The one thing I didn't realize was that this is a 7 day a week gig. I'm working my butt off. That's not a bad thing. It just is what it is. It didn't leave a lot of time to post. But things are beginning to mellow out now. So hopefully, there won't be a lapse this long again.
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